Sunday, August 26, 2007

PKI & SAML / Strong Authentication / SOA?

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Your Public Answer:
“Hi ...., You have 2 paths to integrate your PKI system with your SOA environment. Option 1 : Get all the RFCs and a cool coder team and implement the security integration solution overlay. It is all RFC based and it is supposed to work. Option 2: Try one of the XML security gateways and check the built-in PKCS #10, X.509 v3, SAML functionality. This is probably a shorter but a more expensive way. As usual in-house development will be more customized when compared with 3rd party gateway. On the other side XML gateways offer a proven environment with good management options. You probably know the vendors but let me reiterate for other readers: Datapower (acquired by IBM) Reactivity:(acquired by Cisco) Forum Systems: Layer7: let me know if you have a specific question, regards, - yinal”

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