Saturday, March 15, 2008

What are the business drivers that lead to Infrastructure Management Outsourcing?

Q: What are the business drivers that lead to Infrastructure Management Outsourcing? What are some of the most pressing needs/challenges that an organisation wants to overcome through IM outsourcing.
Clarification :Other than cost arbritrage, what are the primary business goals.

A: Hi …….,
I have been working on information security infrastructure management outsourcing area for a considerable time. As listed above, there are several business drivers that lead to these projects. Here is my classification:

1- Efficiency: If somebody else can manage your infrastructure in a more efficient way that your internal team, then you should consider a third party

2- Cost Cutting: Who does not like to spend less for the same deliverable? Even in the cases where the efficiency and risk levels are not better with the third party, decision is obvious when you can cut costs considerably.

3- Competitivenes: Time to market, beating your competitors, innovation capability, intraindustrial integration, financial capability, are good concepts and the good business drivers. If your infrastructure is managed by a third-party, and the third party makes you agile, it is time to outsource.

4- Risk: Risk always matters. Ignoring risk is not bliss. Covering the bases sometimes involves a professional third party. Lowering risk can be measured quickly and can be listed as business driver.

All these 4 drivers involve each other when thoroughly, but classification helps better identification.

If you have specific questions about any category related with examples, please let me know,

- yinal ozkan

1 comment:

Joshua Smith said...

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